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From Summer Intern to Lead HR Business Partner - Megan's #LifeAtPetSmart

Choosing to move across the country is a big decision, but it’s a choice that Lead HR Business Partner, Megan, made when her #lifeatpetsmart began back as an intern. She moved from Ohio to sunny Phoenix, Arizona, for PetSmart’s internship program because it aligned with her values. She was excited to be part of PetSmart’s mission to do Anything For Pets (not to mention the on-site dog park, opportunities to meet many furry friends, and of course, the career growth possibilities—look where she is now!

Cane & Murphy, Megan's pups

As a student, Megan’s internship was in PetSmart’s HR department. After graduation, she returned to the department full-time and has already progressed through three different roles, now serving as one of our Lead HR Business Partners. As the proud pet parent to Cane (short for Hurricane and Murphy, it’s safe to say the whole fam loves #lifeatpetsmart. When we asked Megan what skills she gained during her internship, she mentioned the following highlights – gaining professional confidence, independence, interviewing skills, and networking skills.

Something cool Megan did during her internship at PetSmart—she challenged herself to have 50+ meet-and-greets with fellow associates to gain insights from across the business. She was “blown away by the passion and intelligence of the associate and leaders” she met and “loved getting to see how interconnected the business way.”

She mentioned the following when we asked what advice she has for someone interested in an internship at PetSmart.

“For those interested in an internship (and career!) at PetSmart, my first advice would be to be yourself! Find your signature strengths, those things that you are naturally really good at, and lean into them. Be authentically you, and then once you get here, act as a sponge and soak up every minute. Two of the greatest assets a young professional can have is a strong sense of curiosity combined with a drive to learn more and keep getting better. Work hard and believe in yourself. You got this!”

Want to learn s'more about #LifeAtPetSmart as an intern? 🤭


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